Τρίτη 17 Δεκεμβρίου 2013

About the weight of an (in)existent love

Hold her as there is no tomorrow Grab her as this journey will never end As if the way from life to death has no in between stops
As if you have never known her before – or me
Kiss her as if I wasn't here And I never was A ghost captured in the desire of existence – your existence?
Love her like the bright morning sunrises And touch her like the gentle summer breeze Explore her like the deepness of the blue sea
As if I became deaf and blind
Climb her as if I never existed Like I was just a drawn leaf in the autumns of your life Stepped by the weight of your touches
Accept that glass of cheap red wine that she is offering you Sink all your fears inside it And then care for her
Like you never did for me Like you will never do
And when the moonlight is over, screw her Draw circles on her paper body And get drunk with her white, chubby spread legs
As for me, I am a firework in your starry sky I burst, I crush, I explode into thousand of butterflies And go away And fade away And fly away
As if I haven’t been here before As I will never be

Πέμπτη 9 Μαΐου 2013

It’ s (always) a matter of time

Συνήθισα πλέον να έρχεσαι τα κυριακάτικα βράδια
Να μου δίνεις φευγαλέες ματιές,
Σιωπηλά χαμόγελα
και να αφήνεις αστερόσκονη στα μαλλιά μου. 
Συνήθισα να χαϊδεύεις με ψιθύρους τα δάχτυλά μου
Και ύστερα να αγναντεύεις από το νοτιοδυτικό παράθυρο
κάποιο μοναχικό συννεφάκι στο βραδινό ουρανό.
Συνήθισα να φεύγεις κάθε φορά λίγο πριν με γνωρίσεις…

Γιατί το ξέρω, όπως και ‘συ άλλωστε
Είμαστε μόνοι…
Αλλά όταν σε αφήνω να μου κρατάς  το χέρι
καθώς με αποχαιρετάς στο σκαλοπατάκι της εξώπορτας
νιώθω πως μαθαίνω να περπατώ ξανά.
Ξέρεις, κανείς δεν έμαθε να περπατά μόνος.